Sunday 4 January 2009

Southern Argentina up to Mendoza.

Had a change of plan and joined a couple we met in Puerto Madryn and travelled way down south to El Calafate and El Chalten. El Calafate is 80km from ´Parque National Los Glaciares´where we hired a car to go view the Moreno Glacier. Apparently its one of the only glaciers still expanding and we were lucky enough to see and hear parts fall off.

From El Calafate we travelled on to El Chalten which was founded just over 20 years ago so was very basic, but had a good micro brewery. From here there are numerous hikes to other glaciers and also the chance to view Fitz Roy Peak, which we did.

Another reason for travelling to El Chalten was the route back up north to Mendoza, Ruta 40. The journey was made famous by ´Che Guevara´ in the book ´The Motor Cycle Diaries´ but to be honest was nothing but flat desert land and the odd bird that the ´Road Runner´was based on.

We arrived to Mendoza on Christmas day staying at a hostel with a pool and huge BBQ. Spent the week up to New Year lounging around the pool having BBQ´s taking it easy. The only day we did anything of note was to do the vineyard tours which was the reason for travelling to Mendoza. This involved being given a bike and a map of all the vineyards in the area (aprox 14 in all) and visiting as many as you can before having to return the bikes.

After recovering from that we organised a big party for New Year, all putting some money in to have a big BBQ and plenty to drink.

Currently we are in Salta, another 19 hours further north close to the Chilean border. On Tuesday we are catching a bus to Iguazu Falls and then on to Beunos Aires, but I will try to be quicker to update the blog next time.

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